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AI complements more jobs than it replaces

A study by the International Labor Organization shows that artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to complement more jobs than it replaces. Women and higher-income countries could be more affected by AI. Office jobs rank first, with AI potentially having a strong impact on around 25% of jobs and a moderate impact on another 58%. In other occupational fields, the proportion of jobs that are severely affected is between 1 and 4 percent.

The study shows that AI has similar potential to complement jobs in countries with different income levels. In low-income countries, about 10.4 percent of all jobs could be supplemented with AI, while in high-income countries it would be about 13.4 percent.

When it comes to AI automation, however, there are major differences. In poorer countries, only about 0.4 percent of jobs could be automated, while in richer countries it would be 5.1 percent, indicating a higher potential for automation in wealthier countries.

There are also gender differences, as AI could automate about 1.4 percent of jobs held by men, but 3.7 percent of jobs held by women. In richer countries, these disparities are even more pronounced, with AI able to automate 2.9 percent of male jobs and 7.8 percent of female jobs. This is attributed to the higher proportion of women in office jobs.

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